Wednesday 23 May 2018


When the electricity bills touch a whopping sum, you realise it is time to bring some major changes in the way you consume electricity. Alas, come winter and then summer, you have not made any perceivable changes from what the bills suggest. The problem is not always about the hours of consumption. The crux of the matter lies in the kind of consumption. There are energy efficient alternatives that can be used to the same effect.

As we enter the era of sustainability, we must give way to the alternative source of power solar energy. As the temperatures go down, there is one thing that you cannot live without  water heaters. Be the judicious user you aspire to be by making space for solar water heaters.

For the early risers who take bath as the sun rises, water heaters are a must, be it any season. With solar water heaters, you get the job done by putting to use the one resource freely available to you in abundance — sunlight.

Why should you use solar water heater?

· First and foremost, it greatly reduces the fuel consumption. As more and more people start switching to solar energy, we will considerably reduce the stress on the dwindling stock of fossil fuels.

· You will be saving not just the nation’s resource, but your family’s resources as well. Once the heater is installed, you will see the changes being reflected in your bills.

· You can contribute less to the greenhouse gas emissions, which is the leading cause of climate change. You can set an example for others. As we bring more and more people under this umbrella, we will be able to make far-reaching changes in the total release of greenhouse gases.

· It is effective in the long run, making it highly efficient. It is worth every penny you spend on the instalment.

The solar water heater manufacturers are giving their peers a run for their money with their competence and innovation. The solar water heaters are, therefore, is highly preferred by the customers who are aware of the environmental concerns. They are improving the different aspects of its performance.

Solar water heaters in Kolkata are getting exceedingly good reviews regarding its overall functionality. They are durable and very resilient in all the weather conditions. The special features of the solar water heaters assure it gets superior performance. The high-quality tanks and collectors notwithstanding, the heater takes up less space and is also lightweight. They are adept for commercial use as well.

Friday 13 April 2018


Technology is advancing, so is our lifestyle. Our advanced lifestyle demands many things that we get only by exploiting our surroundings— mainly our natural resources. 

By doing so, we often forget that we are not only causing harm to our planet, we are also making it difficult for ourselves. We probably cannot even predict the kind of situations we will face unless we come up with new ideas to cover up all the mess we have created.  We must adopt certain eco-friendly practices in order to save our natural habitat and ourselves.

One such practice includes installing an on-grid solar power plant or a grid-tied solar power plant every place possible where electricity usage is a lot more than normal level. Shopping malls, schools, colleges, universities, industries, offices are the places that consume a huge amount of electricity and these places should definitely have on-grid solar power plants. Such places can easily afford to set up solar grids, and these solar plants are very profitable for them.
People living in places where electricity is not frequently produced or supplied can also opt for an on-grid solar power plant. 

What is an on-grid solar power plant?
In these solar power plants, the photovoltaic cells are connected to a certain system called the utility grid. The grid-tied solar power plant converts the energy that they get from the sun to the gird from where all the electrical appliances receive the current they require to work efficiently.

Major benefits of installing an on-grid solar power plant are:
These on-grid solar power plants save up all your electricity bills largely. The user will only pay for the excess or surplus electricity they use that is not taken from the solar plants.
These are very easy to set up and use as well. There is no fuss about batteries so the maintenance as well as set up of the solar plant is very easy.

The use of solar panel does not release any carbon, that way this is going to save a lot of fossil fuel from being burnt

Opting for this on grid solar power plant is going to make you step a bit closer to lead a healthier and eco-friendly life. Get a grid interactive solar system and enhance your living and your surroundings.

Thursday 8 March 2018


What is electricity? The light is on, your television is working just fine, you are getting the ice-cold water to drink, warm water to use— where does all this come from? We have the habit of taking everything for granted! Nobody cares what is at a stake, what is exhausting? What is remaining?
You should care! The natural resources that are used for producing electricity are exhaustible. Therefore, we need to think of another alternative and we already have that— the grid interactive solar system. 

A grid-connected solar system is basically your own small power plant on your rooftop! It utilizes three components— solar PV modules, a structure for mounting the modules and power conditioning units or inverter. The module shapes like an array that needs mounting to grip the PV module at the required angle to maximize the power generation. The solar PV on grid power plant changes the solar energy, that is in the form of light to electricity in the form of Direct Current.

Some facts about the grid-tied solar power plant:

· Try to install the grid facing towards the south (if you are in India) to maximize the power generation. Try to maintain an angle of the grid 25-30 degree with the surface of the land.
· The solar panel along with the structure exerts 10 kgs per square metre.
· The area needed for the setup of the solar panel is about 100-150 square feet.
· You do not need to worry about the maintenance cost, as it does not have any such expenses! It just needs a regular cleaning and that is it.
· Rooftop installations are primarily of two types. The first, one is set up for any kind of captive using while the second one is for the purpose of feed in the grid-connected solar system.
· The captive rooftop system is also of two types. One of which is standalone system while the other is a grid-connected system.

Why should one use a grid-connected solar system? There should be some benefits, right? After all, that is what matters. Want to know its advantages? Keep on reading!

1. The most important and beneficial thing about it is the ability to disengage the system whenever you want. You can feed the green energy or solar energy whenever you need and disengage when you do not want it.
2. Power failure is a big issue with the electricity today, be it in houses or in businesses. You gain the independence to use it according to you at a low price.
3. It ensures a clean use of the PV power.
4. It is a reliable source of energy.
5. These contribute to a sustainable energy future.

These should be enough for you to switch and be a part of a sustainable energy future with the clean environment!